Azure Synchronization

You can automatically create new employees in Vizito as users of the system. You can also automatically add them as hosts, from which the visitor can select the person they have a meeting with.

Advantages of using this integration are:

  • All user and host data is always up to date.
  • Users that no longer work in your organization are automatically removed.
  • No need to provide passwords for each user, as they can log in using their Microsoft account using Single Sign On.

The synchronization will run every day at 00:00 CET. You can also execute a manual synchronization, see step three.

In order for the integration to work, you will need to set up a new App Registration in Azure. This should be done by your IT support who is responsible for managing Azure Entry ID.

You will need to get the following information from Azure:

  • Tenant ID
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Group ID

Don’t worry we will guide you through the complete process.

Step 1: Create a new app registration in Azure

Go to and log in.

Select the domain / tenant you would like to integrate with Vizito.

Once logged in, click on the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner:

Open azure menu

Click on Azure Entry ID:

Open Azure Entra ID

Now that you are in Azure Entra ID, click on the option App registrations in the left hand menu:

Open app registrations

Click on + New registration to create the new app registration:

New app registration

Fill in the name of the new app registration and set the redirect URI.

Blank app registration

For the name, you can use a sentence that explains what the app registration does, such as: Vizito Azure Synchronization .

As for the Regirect URI, choose Web as the platform and as the URI, set .

Click on Register once everything is correct.

Register app registration

Now you can copy/paste or write down the Application (client) ID (what we refer to as Client ID) and the Directory (tenant) ID (what we refer to as Tenant ID).

App registration details

Next up, we need to add a client secret so that we can authorize as the app registration.

Click on Certificates & secrets:

App registration certificates and secrets

Click on New client secret:

New client secret

Set a description for the secret, such as Vizito Azure Synchronization Secret and set the Expires to 730 days (24 months).

It is important to set this to a long period as you will have to renew the secret after that period.

Client secret details

Now the client secret has been created.

Copy paste or write down the Value of the client secret, as this will only be displayed once. After closing this window, you will no longer be able to access this secret value.

If you did not write it down, not a problem, just delete this Client secret and create a new one. Remember to write it down though.

Client secret value

Now go to API permissions in the left hand menu:

API permissions

Click on Add a permission:

Add permission

Click on the Microsoft Graph rectangle:

Microsoft Graph

In the following window, click on the Application permissions rectangle:

Application permissions

Scroll down until you come across the Group list and click on it:

Group API permission

Click the checkbox for GroupMember.Read.All:

Group Read All

Scroll down until you come across the User list and click on it.

Click the checkbox for User.Read.All and then click on Add permissions:

User API permission

Once the permissions are added, you also need to grant admin consent for those permissions.

You can do that by clicking on the Grant admin consent for [ORGANIZATION] button:

Grant admin consent

And confirm this action:

Confirmation admin consent

Now, go back to Azure Entry ID by clicking on the hamburger icon in the top left corner:

Azure menu

Azure Entry ID Menu

Now click on Groups in the left hand menu:

Azure groups

Find the group of users that you want to synchronize with Vizito. If you do not yet have a group, create one and assign some users to it. Learn how to do this on the Azure documentation page.

And copy or write down the Object ID:

Object ID for Group

Step 2: Configure the collected Azure information in the Vizito backoffice

Now, open the Vizito Backoffice Integrations page, enable Azure Synchronization:

Enable azure synchronization

Fill in the following information:

  • Tenant ID
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Group ID

Fill in azure integration details

And now choose if you want to synchronize the Azure users as:

  • Synchronize as hosts: this way all employees in that user Group will be available as a host from which the visitor can make a selection. The email address and, if available, the phone number will also be synchronized for sending notifications to the user when the visitor signs in or out.
  • Synchronize as users: this way your users can log in to the Vizito backoffice using their Microsoft account via Single Sign On.
  • Default user role: choose the default role that is applied to the users. Check out which roles Vizito offers.

Save azure integration

Now that everything is saved, you can already initiate a manual synchronization to see if everything is working.

Step 3: Manual synchronization.

You can do a manual synchronization from the integrations page by clicking on the blue Synchronize button:

Execute manual synchronization of azure

If all the details are correct then you should see that the synchronization status states: Success. If not, check if everything is in order and re-enter the details that you got from Azure.

Azure synchronization status

Note: Under General, scroll down to Global Settings, and make sure that the Host datasource is set to “Managed within Vizito”.