iOS kiosk mode

This FAQ item will help you enable Kiosk Mode on your iPad.

Enable Guided Access

Go to Settings -> General -> Display & Brightness and set Auto-Lock to never.

Vizito iOS Brightness Auto-lock

Vizito iOS Guided Access

Go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility, scroll down and tap on Guided Access.

Vizito iOS Guided access passcode pin

Turn it on and configure a passcode under Passcode Settings, do not forget to also turn on Mirror Display Auto-Lock. Otherwise the iPad will lock after 20 minutes even if it is in Guided Access mode.

Vizito iOS Guided access accessibility

Next, go back to the menu General -> Accessibility and go to Accessibility Shortcut.

Change this setting to Guided Access:

Vizito iOS Guided access setting tripple click

Now, boot up the Vizito app and triple-click the Home button to go to the Guided Access menu. Disable Sleep/Wake button, Volume Buttons and Motion under Hardware Buttons:

Vizito iOS Guided access disable sleep wake volume motion Vizito iOS Guided access disable sleep wake volume motion

Vizito iOS Guided access start

Click on Start and Guided Access will be enabled:

Vizito iOS Guided access complete

Disable Guided Access

To stop Guided Access, triple-click the home button again and enter the passcode. Tap on Stop.