User management and user roles

Video tutorial

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These roles are available:Employee, Security guard, Receptionist, Local admin, Global admin. Each role has the following rights:

Permission Global Admin Local Admin Receptionist Security Guard Employee
View dashboard Yes Yes Yes No No
View current visitors Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Send emergency notification Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Mark visitors as safe Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Account settings
Manage account settings Yes Yes No No No
Manage other locations Yes No No No No
View all visitor information Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Host management
Add/remove hosts Yes Yes Yes No No
User management
Add/remove users Yes Yes No No No
Visitor management
Pre-register visitors Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Sign in visitors Yes Yes Yes No No

To use our role based access control navigate to “User management” > “Manage users” and press the Add button:

vizito manage users

Enter the following details: First name, Last name, Email, Function title and Role.

add new user

email add user

An email was dispatched to the newly added user:

confirmation email user role

The newly added user will have to set a password while verifying their account:

password reset

Notice that not all menu items are available for the selected role:

vizito dashboard