Mar 27, 2025
Written by Jill - Written: June 29, 2022
Employees, customers, suppliers, visitors: in many companies, people walk in and out all day long. This entails certain risks. How do you prevent unwanted visitors from entering your building? How do you keep your workplace healthy? How do you protect your visitors’ data? And how do you keep everyone safe if, for example, a fire breaks out?
Security cameras and alarm systems are already present in most companies. However, these don’t suffice to limit the risks. The fact that your reception desk is your first line of defense is often overlooked. By upgrading to a visitor management system, you make sure your workplace stays safe and healthy.
Here are seven ways in which visitor management systems can improve safety and security in your company.
The first way visitor management systems increase security is by managing the flow of people that go in and out. Everyone entering the building must register as they enter or leave the premises. This way you know exactly who is on site at any time.
Visitors are also asked to provide some personal information, such as a phone number, email, and they can have their picture taken. This data is then stored in the cloud. This may deter anyone with malicious intentions from entering the premises.
People come and go in companies, that’s a fact. Visitor management systems immediately send out a notification to the host when their guest has arrived. This may be a text message, email or an alert via another application such as Slack.
So whether you are in the office or not, you know immediately when someone shows up at your reception. This way visitors never have to wait long and you have full control over who is where in your building.
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How to get started with a visitor management system in less than 30 minutes
Visitor badges issued by hand can easily be lost, abused or forged. With a visitor management system, your visitor can print an ID badge that cannot be tampered with.
This badge contains a photo and the visitor’s details, so anyone who is on site can be easily identified. In addition, the badge includes the name of the host and an expiration date, which prevents the badge from being used over and over again.
All companies, such as yours, make efforts to ensure safety on their premises. But an emergency situation can always occur.
Imagine this situation. A fire breaks out in your building. All the staff have gathered outside, but what about the cleaning staff working inside the building? And how many visitors are present at this moment?
Without a seamless check-in and check-out system, there are many gaps in your evacuation strategy. Fortunately, we live in an age where technology can eliminate those concerns. With a visitor management system, the front desk can immediately notify everyone present in the building should a fire break out, an intruder enter, or in the case of any other emergency. Safety instructions can be sent easily, and an evacuation can proceed smoothly.
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5 Myths About Visitor Management
Do your visitors need to sign a form or agreement? With a visitor management system, you can have them digitally sign non-disclosure agreements, safety protocols or company regulations. The information is then stored in the cloud. Providing the documents through a centralized digital platform speeds up the process and ensures better compliance.
Unlike a paper log, visitor management guarantees confidential data security. Visitors can only access their own information and cannot view the data of other guests at the reception desk. After the registration process, all information is quickly and securely stored in the database.
In many companies everything is back to normal after the corona crisis. Customer meetings, board meetings and networking events can proceed like before the pandemic. Staff is back, as are the suppliers of company restaurants, coffee and vending machines. Maybe you have contractors converting your offices to accommodate to the new trends of flexible and hybrid working.
In short, companies are buzzing with activity again. And every visitor you welcome in your company is a potential spreader of COVID-19.
Visitor management systems have become indispensable for protecting the health and safety of employees, as well as visitors. They can help screen visitors, and if an outbreak does occur, you know exactly who to notify.
The safety of your buildings, your employees and your visitors is a primary concern for any organization. Everything starts at your reception desk. A solid visitor management system can arm your company against all possible security risks. And a higher sense of security is in turn linked to better staff engagement and performance.
At Vizito, we take security seriously. To get a feel of how a modern visitor management system can help your business, try out Vizito during a 14-day trial or chat with us to discuss how Vizito can help you improve your reception.
Got more questions? These are the 7 most common questions about visitor management systems – and our answers.