Visitor management for multiple locations

Adopt and easily manage a digital visitor management system for multiple locations so that you can provide a consistent sign-in experience to your visitors wherever they are.

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🇪🇺 Hosted in Europe | ✅ GDPR compliant

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Trusted by 1,500+ companies in 76 countries
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How do you track your visitors?

With Vizito you have access to an efficient and secure solution for tracking visitors at your facility, offering benefits such as enhanced security, compliance with regulations, streamlined check-in processes, comprehensive record-keeping, and improved professionalism.

Benefits of multi-location visitor management

Companies, big and small, can all benefit from having a modern reception with a visitor management software that improves safety and leaves a powerful impression on visitors.

By implementing a digital visitor management system for multiple locations, you can:

  • Maintain a consistent sign in experience for your visitors worldwide
  • Centrally manage and remotely monitor your locations
  • Easily adapt your safety and security measures to local regulations

Visitor registration dashboard

Who should use a Visitor Management System?

Visitor management system for who

Any organization that receives visitors can benefit from a digital visitor registration system. It is a common misconception that it is only for larger enterprises. This solution helps both the visitor and the company save time, making it a useful tool for small to medium-sized companies with limited resources. At Vizito, our subscription tiers depend on the number of visitors you welcome at your establishment every month.

If you are doubtful if it is the right choice for you, read on to learn more about the benefits, how it works, and its key features.

Access Control

Access Control

Control access to your visitor log and configurations. Limit access level by assigning the correct roles to your users.

Active Directory

Active Directory

Synchronize your employees directly to your Vizito system from your Active Directory or Azure systems.



Localize the visitor registration experience by welcoming your guests in their own language. Vizito supports 31 languages!

Questions and Answers

Do you have more questions?

Book a meeting or short demo on Vizito, let us guide you through the possibilities within our visitor management software.

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