5 myths about digital visitor management

Written by Jill - Written: March 3, 2022


5 misconceptions about digital visitor management

A sleek, efficient, and secure visitor management system is a must in a modern organization. Digital visitor management systems have become increasingly popular in companies. But the advantages are not yet clear to everyone. Understandable, as there still are many misconceptions about digital visitor management.

If you are considering a digital visitor management system, you may have many questions. Is the system right for your company? How will your guests feel about it? And will someone lose their job? To clear up the confusion, we debunk the top 5 myths about digital visitor management.

Myth 1: ‘Digital visitor management is only for big organizations’

Truth: Every business can benefit from digital visitor management. Security is key for all organizations, regardless of size.

If you have a small business that has always used a paper log, you may see upgrading to a digital system as a luxury, intended for large companies. But digital visitor management can also help your business. Just because you don’t have dozens of visitors every day, that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from an efficient sign-in process and a system that increases security.

Implementing a modern visitor management system can leave a lasting impression on your guests and potential customers, and give your business the look and feel you need to compete with the big boys.

These are some of the ways that businesses large and small can benefit from a digital visitor management system:

  • Printable badges with photo ID are a great way to increase security in all businesses, large or small
  • Policies, such as a health and safety policy, exist in every business. A visitor management system makes it easy to communicate them to visitors
  • An emergency evacuation is something you’d rather avoid, but with digital visitor management, at least an evacuation can be organised more smoothly because evacuation lists are accessible on mobile devices
  • The corona pandemic has made us all more cautious, and many visitors are reluctant to touch a clipboard and pen that go through everyone’s hands. Modern apps allow people to check in with their own smartphone, while keeping distance from reception staff
  • Large or small: privacy legislation such as GDPR applies to every business. With a digital visitor management system, you comply with all regulations

Myth 2: ‘Digital visitor management is cold and impersonal’

Truth: Digital check-in can actually get your visitors to the face-to-face part of their visit faster.

We often associate hospitality with a friendly receptionist who greets and helps visitors with a smile. But the reality is often different. When a visitor enters, your receptionist may be away for a toilet break, he or she may be on a phone call or busy with another visitor. Long lines at the reception desk can lead to uncomfortable situations and an undesirable first impression.

Although it may sound contradictory, digital visitor registration can in fact contribute to a warmer and more personal welcome.

For starters, each visitor is welcomed in a professional manner, in their own language. Because guests register themselves, your receptionist can concentrate on visitors who need extra attention and on creating a pleasant welcome.

When a visitor is checked in, his host is notified immediately. The waiting time is thus reduced, and the host can welcome his visitor faster in a warm and friendly manner. Moreover, he immediately has all correct information about his guest, which prevents embarrassing mistakes.

Myth 3: ‘Digital visitor management is not secure’

Truth: Unlike with a paper logbook, your visitors’ data is stored securely in the cloud.’

It is correct that any device connected to the internet can be hacked. For this reason, some people are hesitant to switch to digital visitor registration.

Yet most visitor management systems are very secure, especially when compared to paper logs. If you use a paper-based system, your visitor records are in plain sight for anyone who enters your building. All your guests can see who has signed in earlier that day. Paper logs can also be lost, stolen, or destroyed by something as simple as a cup of coffee.

Digital visitor management systems are a more secure way to protect the data of your employees, customers, and visitors. With a digital system, all data is stored securely in the cloud, so nothing gets lost. You can decide how long the data will be kept for, ensuring everything is in accordance with GDPR legislation and your own guidelines.

Still prefer paper? In this article we give you 5 tips to improve your visitor log.

Myth 4: ‘Visitors won’t know how to use the system’

Truth: Digital visitor registration is easy for visitors and your staff.

Digital registration is very simple. Visitors can easily fill out the digital form without the assistance of a receptionist. The simplicity of the system and clear buttons lead your visitors intuitively through the steps of the check-in process.

Vizito customers praise the ease of use and say that their visitors are enthusiastic about the new way of checking in.

The system also simplifies tasks for your staff. For example, could you do the following with pen and paper?
Easily archive or delete data when you no longer need it
Store data quickly and securely
Print out a badge with a visitor photo straight away

The installation is nothing to worry about either. All you need is a stable Wi-Fi connection and you’re up and running in less than 30 minutes. Once installed, little maintenance is required - apart from replacing the print roll if you choose to use a badge printer.

Myth 5: ‘Digital visitor management will cost someone’s job’

Truth: Visitor management systems actually work best in combination with a real life receptionist

Some fear that a visitor management system could lead to redundancies. Of course this is not to be excluded, for example in small companies that cannot afford a receptionist. However, at Vizito we do not see visitor management as a replacement, but as a supplement to an existing reception desk.

Most of our customers use the software as a tool to optimize workflow and support a dynamic reception experience.

Receptionists juggle a variety of tasks throughout the day. Automating the most repetitive tasks allows them to prioritize their most important responsibilities and to provide a more personalized welcome. This gives them more time to answer visitors’ questions, offer them a drink or take their coats.

Are you ready for digital visitor management?

Now that we’ve guided you through the misconceptions that still exist about digital visitor management, you may want to get started with a digital system yourself. Whether you have a large or a small company, you are sure to find a system which has the flexibility to meet your needs. Vizito offers a range of plans that can be adapted to your business in order to organise the reception and management of your visitors as smooth as possible.

To get a feel of how a modern visitor management system can help your business grow, try out Vizito for free during a 14-day trial or chat with us to discuss how Vizito can help you improve your reception.

Got more questions? These are the 7 most common questions about digital visitor management – and our answers.

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